Forever Forward

Civic Superman with Bill Scheu

The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida

When Bill Scheu was awarded our Prize for Civic Engagement, the selection committee described him as a “Civic Superman.” Bill is one of just two people we have honored with the Prize.

A partner at Rogers Towers, Bill has been a trusted mediator on many issues in our community, from pension reform to election integrity.

He’s also been a leader in our work as a past trustee and board chair of The Community Foundation for Northeast Florida. 

In this episode of the Giving Forward podcast, “Civic Superman,” we talk about our community work over the years, including:

·       What we did when the community faced a crisis with our local food bank – and how Feeding Northeast Florida was born

·       How working in my father’s grocery store inspired my approach to philanthropy

·       What it means for The Community Foundation to embrace ‘civic leadership’

·       How our community bridged a racial divide to improve a blighted public housing community, Blodgett Homes 

·       How Bill restored trust in voting as interim Supervisor of Elections following the ‘hanging chads’ election of 2000

·       How faith guides the way we collaborate to solve community issues

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